Monday, March 8, 2010

Academy Awards Smackdown -- A Recap

Those of you who know me well know that I love -- LOVE -- awards shows. I look forward to the Golden Globes and the Oscars all year. I know it's just a bunch of thin, rich people congratulating themselves. I know that in the grand scheme of things, self-adulation and display of wealth and vanity amount to nothing. But I love the drama, the dresses, reports of behind-the-scenes politicking. I love that I can - without any irony - wear pyjamas and gleefully screech insults at people who have subjected themselves to a week of starving themselves with my mouth full of cupcake. Most of all, I love to watch awards shows with others. Collective schadenfreude is the best kind of bonding activity.

So last night, I decided that we have to kick it 2010 style and live blog it. Thanks to those that joined it (and special thanks to Surly Husband for his technical prowess). The best comments of the night (as decided by me) follow in no particular order:

1. JK: To paraphrase from another blog I read re Avatar, did anyone else find it weird that the Sully character wanted to get it on with a giant blue cat?
G*: I dunno... those giant blue things were pretty hot. ;)
DS: Smurfette evolved

2. SS: James Taylor always looks like a serial killer

3. Reeshmeister: I have to admit, I liked to Blind Side. LOL
JK: Reesh, that's because you're a big softy. You are Leanne Touhy
Reeshmeister: Well, she did marry goal in life.

4. DS: maybe Penelope Cruz will take off her mask, reveal she is actually a praying mantis and eat a presenter
G*: THAT would be cool.

5. On the Brat Pack's tribute to John Hughes
DS: look what just washed up on stage!

6. On Elinor Burkett interupting co-producer Roger Ross William's acceptance speech for Best Documentary Short, "Music by Prudence". According to Enty at, despite working on the same film, the two producers hate each other and she is now claiming she was late to the stage because Williams' mother used her cane to prevent her from getting to the stage. Yowza. It really WAS as awkward as it looked!

MJ: who is this woman?
JK: What the hell?! Where did that lady come from? The guy is looking so pissed!!
DS: you're great and I'm a let you finish this speech...
SSs Man: Is that Kanye's mom?
JK: We officially have a most awkward moment of the night!
LH: well, that would be impressive if it was kanye's mom...seeing as she's dead and all....
SSs Man: uh ummm awkward

7. On Jeffrey Fletcher's failure to thank Sapphire in his acceptance speech for Best Adapted Screenplay.

LH: maybe he should thank the know, the person who did all the work

8. On Kristin Stewart clearing her throat over her shoulder before the random, unnecessary horror flick montage

JK: Why did she bark?
Sig: she just choked on her own career

9. Sig: James Cameron is the Nickelback of the Oscars

10. On Demi Moore entering
DS: i hope she gets punk'd
G*: I think she already has... *snicker*

11. DS: i think they should do a predictive death montage...all the actors that are going to die before the NEXT oscars

12. On Jennifer Lopez's dress
G*: I think she's wearing a giant squid. it just needs a big eye and tentacles
DS: the Kracken is speaking